
“Understanding patient-specific disease mechanisms to develop improved cancer-targeting strategies”

Our research

The overall aim of the Maurice lab is to gain a fundamental understanding of the dual nature of signals that guide homeostatic tissue renewal and cancer cell growth. In healthy tissue renewal, a handful of signalling pathways supports the maintenance of small populations of adult stem cells. Deregulation of these pathways due to mutations is strongly linked to cancer development. Our main focus is to investigate how patient-derived mutations alter protein activity to promote the initiation and progression of cancer growth. With these insights we aim to uncover patient-specific disease mechanisms and develop improved cancer-targeting strategies. To address these issues, we combine advanced gene editing, proteomics, biochemistry and imaging approaches with organoid-based disease models.


PhD defense Joep Sprangers

On December 18th, Joep Sprangers from the Maurice group successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled: ‘WNT-mediated regulation of regeneration and oncogenesis’. We are very happy that Joep will stay on and help realize a green and sustainable CMM!

KWF Grant for Breakthrough Adrenal Study

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jelte van der Vaart, a postdoctoral researcher in the lab, has been honoured with the Unique High Risk Grant from KWF Kankerbestrijding for his project “Adrenal Cortical Organoids as Disease Models and Patient Avatars.” This grant facilitates his study into adrenocortical carcinoma organoids, with a particular focus on […]

Laigo Bio website launched

The Maurice lab is proud to announce that Laigo Bio has launched their website! Madelon is the co-founder and scientific lead of this startup that aims to develop SureTACs technology. Laigo Bio sprouted from the research of the Maurice lab, focused on degradation of target proteins at the cell surface, via redirection of transmembrane E3 […]


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Prof. Madelon Maurice – © LaLoes fotografie

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Prof. Madelon Maurice

Madelon Maurice is Professor of Molecular Cell Biology at the Center for Molecular Medicine of the University Medical Center Utrecht and a member of the Oncode Institute. Her group addresses key research questions in the fields of stem cell and cancer cell biology, using a multiscale approach in which structural and functional insights at the level of individual proteins are translated to the cellular and complex tissue level. The main interests of the Maurice group are to acquire a mechanistic understanding of major signalling pathways that control stem cell maintenance and tissue renewal and to investigate how patient-derived mutations impact on signal relay events to drive cancer growth. With these approaches the Maurice lab aims to contribute to novel paradigms on signalling and mutation-induced tumour progression and to the development of improved anti-cancer strategies.

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